Spain, Cartagena

Inmovecos Brasiliana 809

Camino Darsena, 1 Cartagena, Spain Apartment
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Inmovecos Brasiliana 809
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  • Swimming pool
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To city center
24.1 km
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Camino Darsena, 1 Cartagena, Spain

Inmovecos Brasiliana 809

To city center24.1

About the hotel


There are several entertainment options near the hotel 'Inmovecos Brasiliana 809' in Cartagena, Spain. Some popular options include:

1. Roman Theatre Museum: Located just a short distance from the hotel, this museum showcases the ruins of the ancient Roman Theatre of Cartagena and offers guided tours.

2. Castillo de la Concepción: This hilltop fortress offers panoramic views of Cartagena and hosts cultural events such as concerts and exhibitions throughout the year.

3. Naval Museum: Situated in the heart of Cartagena, this museum covers the history of the Spanish Navy and displays various maritime artifacts.

4. Calle Mayor: The main commercial street of Cartagena, Calle Mayor is lined with shops, cafes, and restaurants. It's a great place for shopping, dining, and people-watching.

5. Cartagena Casino: If you're feeling lucky, you can visit the nearby casino for some gambling and entertainment.

6. La Manga Club: Located about 30 minutes away from Cartagena, La Manga Club is a renowned sports and leisure resort with golf courses, tennis courts, spa facilities, and various restaurants.

7. Cartagena's Beaches: Cartagena boasts several beautiful beaches, including Cala Cortina, Playa de Levante, and Playa de Calblanque, where you can relax, swim, and soak up the sun. These are just a few of the entertainment options near the hotel 'Inmovecos Brasiliana 809' in Cartagena, Spain. There are also many cultural and historical sites to explore in the city.

Top questions

1. What is Inmovecos Brasiliana 809?
1. What is Inmovecos Brasiliana 809?1

Inmovecos Brasiliana 809 is a popular residential complex located in Cartagena, Spain.

2. What are the amenities offered in Inmovecos Brasiliana 809?
2. What are the amenities offered in Inmovecos Brasiliana 809?1

Some of the amenities offered in Inmovecos Brasiliana 809 include a swimming pool, fitness center, communal gardens, children's play area, parking facilities, and 24-hour security.

3. How many units are there in Inmovecos Brasiliana 809?
3. How many units are there in Inmovecos Brasiliana 809?1

Inmovecos Brasiliana 809 consists of various units, including apartments and penthouses. The exact number of units may vary.

4. What is the price range for properties in Inmovecos Brasiliana 809?
4. What is the price range for properties in Inmovecos Brasiliana 809?1

The price range for properties in Inmovecos Brasiliana 809 may vary depending on the specific unit, size, location, and other factors. It is best to check with the real estate agent or website for the current prices.

5. Is Inmovecos Brasiliana 809 pet-friendly?
5. Is Inmovecos Brasiliana 809 pet-friendly?1

The pet policy in Inmovecos Brasiliana 809 may vary. Some units may allow pets, while others may have restrictions. It is recommended to inquire about the pet policy with the real estate agent or property management.

6. Is parking available in Inmovecos Brasiliana 809?
6. Is parking available in Inmovecos Brasiliana 809?1

Yes, parking facilities are available in Inmovecos Brasiliana 809. It may include assigned parking spaces or a communal parking area.

7. How far is Inmovecos Brasiliana 809 from the nearest beach?
7. How far is Inmovecos Brasiliana 809 from the nearest beach?1

The distance from Inmovecos Brasiliana 809 to the nearest beach may vary depending on the specific location within Cartagena. It is advisable to check the exact distance with the real estate agent or use online maps.

8. Are there any restaurants or shops within walking distance of Inmovecos Brasiliana 809?
8. Are there any restaurants or shops within walking distance of Inmovecos Brasiliana 809?1

Inmovecos Brasiliana 809 is located in Cartagena, which is known for its rich culinary and shopping scene. You may find restaurants and shops within walking distance, but the proximity may vary depending on the exact location within Cartagena.

9. Can I rent out my property in Inmovecos Brasiliana 809?
9. Can I rent out my property in Inmovecos Brasiliana 809?1

Renting out properties in Inmovecos Brasiliana 809 may be possible, subject to the local rental regulations and specific rules set by the property management or homeowners' association. It is recommended to check with the real estate agent or property management for more information.

10. How can I arrange a visit to Inmovecos Brasiliana 809?
10. How can I arrange a visit to Inmovecos Brasiliana 809?1

To arrange a visit to Inmovecos Brasiliana 809, you can contact the real estate agent or property management associated with the complex. They will provide you with the necessary information and assistance for a visit.

All services and amenities

Water activities
  • Swimming pool
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