Spain, Binissalem

Scott's Hotel

Plaza de la Iglesia, 12 Binissalem, Spain Hotel
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Scott's Hotel
Scott's Hotel
Scott's Hotel
Scott's Hotel
Scott's Hotel
Scott's Hotel
Scott's Hotel
Scott's Hotel
Scott's Hotel
Scott's Hotel
Scott's Hotel
Scott's Hotel
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Services and amenities
  • Air Conditioned
  • Hair Dryer
  • High-speed Internet
  • En suite
  • Shower
  • Private Bathroom
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To city center
0.7 km
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What's around

Plaza de la Iglesia, 12 Binissalem, Spain

There are several attractions and landmarks around Scott's Hotel in Binissalem, Spain. Some of the notable places nearby include:

1. Binissalem Church: Located just a short walk from the hotel, Binissalem Church, also known as Església Mare de Déu de Robines, is a beautiful Gothic church dating back to the 18th century.

2. Can Termes Winery: This winery is just a few minutes away from Scott's Hotel. Here, you can visit the vineyards, learn about the wine-making process, and even enjoy wine tastings.

3. Bodegas José L. Ferrer: Another popular winery in the area, Bodegas José L. Ferrer offers guided tours and wine tastings. It is known for producing high-quality wines and is a great place to explore the local wine culture.

4. Mallorca Wine Express: This tourist train offers a unique way to explore the vineyards and wineries of Binissalem. It departs from the train station in Binissalem and takes visitors on a scenic journey through the countryside.

5. Plaza de Binissalem: This charming town square is a great place to relax and soak up the local atmosphere. It is lined with cafes, restaurants, and shops, perfect for enjoying a leisurely stroll.

6. Es Fangar: Located a short drive from the hotel, Es Fangar is a large estate known for its olive groves, vineyards, and natural beauty. Visitors can take guided tours of the property and learn about sustainable farming practices. Please note that the availability and access to these attractions may vary, so it is recommended to check their opening hours and any restrictions due to COVID-19 before visiting.

Scott's Hotel

To city center0.7

About the hotel


Binissalem is a small town in the heart of Mallorca, Spain, known for its wine production and traditional charm. While the town itself may not have a wide range of entertainment options, there are a few attractions and activities in the surrounding area. Here are some suggestions for entertainment near Scott's Hotel in Binissalem:

1. Wine Tasting: Binissalem is famous for its wine production, so a visit to one of the local wineries is a must. Some popular ones include Bodegas José L. Ferrer and Bodegas Tianna Negre. You can take a guided tour, learn about the wine-making process, and sample the delicious local wines.

2. Hiking and Nature Walks: The beautiful surrounding countryside is perfect for outdoor activities like hiking and nature walks. You can explore the Tramuntana Mountains, which offers stunning views and a chance to reconnect with nature. There are several well-marked trails suitable for different skill levels.

3. Cycling: Mallorca is a popular cycling destination, and Binissalem is no exception. You can rent a bike and explore the scenic routes that crisscross the island. The flat countryside surrounding Binissalem offers a perfect terrain for leisurely rides or more challenging routes.

4. Cultural Sites: Binissalem itself has several historical and cultural sites worth visiting. The town's main square, Plaça de l'Església, is home to the beautiful Binissalem Church, while nearby, you can explore the Convent de les Monges. These sites offer a glimpse into the local history and architecture.

5. Palma de Mallorca: Binissalem is only a short drive away from the capital city, Palma de Mallorca. There, you can enjoy a wide range of entertainment options, including shopping, dining, visiting museums like the Palma Cathedral or the Es Baluard Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, or simply strolling along the historic city center. It's important to note that the availability and hours of operation of these attractions may vary, so it's advisable to check their websites or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information.

All services and amenities

Room Facilities
  • Air Conditioned
  • Hair Dryer
  • En suite
  • Shower
  • Private Bathroom
  • Jacuzzi
  • Bathrobes
Hotel Facilities
  • High-speed Internet
Water activities
  • Swimming pool
Extra services
  • Luggage Storage
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